
Monday, January 9, 2012

Some Recent Thoughts

Before I go into the post I'd like to apologize for my lack of posting since I started this. I've had a lot to do and a lot going on recently, especially with the holidays and everything. I'm sure all of you know what that's like. Anyway, I just wanted to share some thoughts I had not too long ago after watching a video by Danny Silk called "Culture Of Honor".

In Danny Silk's DVD Culture Of Honor, and in other DVDs, he talks about how people are so used to either controlling, or being controlled by others. Where one person in the relationship has the power, and the other doesn't. I find it so true looking around at people today, and seeing that almost everyone around has been treated in this way. There are far too many people who always feel the need to control, and far too many people damaged by being controlled. What people need to realize is that relationships weren't meant for that. It's supposed to be two people with equal power, not one with all of it, and one with none. This kind of thing shows up in every relationship there is. Parent/child, siblings, friends, etc... But how hard would it be to change that, right? Well, extremely. It's like going against the grain of everything you've been taught your whole life. The main issue is people either don't know, or don't want to go through the trouble of fixing this problem, and it is a problem. So many of the issues we see around us could have been solved if people weren't taught to be this way. One of the worst things about this is that most, if not all people rarely realize when something like this happens in a relationship because that's what they've had their whole lives. They don't know how to treat others, or be treated by others any differently. When the ones trying to control see it or are shown it, it's hard for them to stop doing that, because that's what they were taught to do, that's what they've done, and that's what they are used to doing. When the ones being controlled see what's happening or are shown what is happening, it is often times very difficult for them to stand up for themselves. I personally have had this happen many times in the not so distant past, and have even had it happen today. So why should we try to stop letting this happen? Well, if we don't, who will? We can't just say "well, I'm sure someone else will stand up for themselves at some point" or "It'll get better on it's own". That's simply not true. You have to actually work for it. It won't be easy, and actually, it will most likely be very difficult. But someone has to do it, so it might as well be us, right?

Thanks for reading this random little post. Hope you enjoyed it. I'm going to try to get another post out soon so you all don't have to wait so long. Until next time.
