
Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Past, Present, Future

Time is an interesting concept. It flows by in a seemingly endless stream where we were thrown and are now dragged along by the current. So why is it that so many people choose to stare back at something that they simply can't reach? Because the truth is we can't go back, only forward. There is no way for us to change the past. It already happened. However there is a reason to look back, but not with longing and wishes for a way to go back and change it all. The past is something to learn from, and as such should be looked at through a lens of study. Every mistake has a lesson in it to be learned from, and insight into yourself. The past can be painful, but where does that pain come from? Usually from a wound that was caused that you never let heal. Even though it can take a long time, it's the best choice to make, because there really is no point in holding onto the past. It's gone and nothing can change that. If you let go of it and look back to learn, you'll realize that there is a lot of things that happened that you can make sure don't happen later, and a lot of things you'll learn to do better. You have to remember that the best things are always to come. If you let them. If you learn then the future will be better. Here in the present is where you do that. Don't push it off until later, learn now. It's a tough process, but well worth it in the long run.
    Time isn't something we can control, only flow with. If we worry too much about the future or focus too much on the past it can mess a lot of things up. You have to balance on the three focus points to make sure that you don't go in the wrong direction. Learn how to do that and you may find a lot of things will change.

So I'm putting this post out early because this coming weekend I will be helping out with the Rain Conference.  I won't have time to put it up on Friday, so I'm doing it now. Also as a side note there WILL be live streaming of the conference, and as I said in my previous post I'll put a link up as soon as I have one to give to you. Thank you all for reading, and I hope the rest of your week is a good one.


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