A lot of people talk about how firm their beliefs are, then later let them fade away. This has lead to the issue that no matter how much you TALK about your beliefs, no one will really believe you. It's one of the largest reasons Christians are so rejected in the world today. Now most people think standing firm means when you get into a 'debate' (really just an argument) with someone about what you believe you don't waver at all and never admit to them having the slightest idea what they're talking about. Or at least, that's what a lot of people do. Really it shouldn't be like that at all. It shouldn't matter what other people think or do, only what you do. If you want to get people to believe that there may actually be something to this whole Jesus thing then live it out. Don't settle, don't make a compromise on something because it's not the 'cool' thing to do. Two compromises people make all the time are gossip and swearing. Those are things you can be firm about and just not do, but you have to try. Just because everyone else does it or thinks it's cool or okay doesn't mean it is and that you have to. Moreover, it sends the wrong message. You should always be telling people about God's word, but that doesn't mean you have to talk. Show instead. Strive to be a better person. Live like you are a child of God, someone that he thought was worth saving, and did save. Died, in fact, to take the punishment for all the stupid things we do on a daily basis. Living out God's teachings is THE most important thing you can do if you want to tell people about him. Why was Christianity such a big thing in the past? Because they lived it out, and wouldn't waver even when threatened with death and torture because of it. They weren't brainwashed people brought up from birth to do that, so they would have no reason unless there was truth in it. This is what drew people by the thousands to them. This is what draws people to it now. Unfortunately too few Christians actually live this way, and instead live a life of offence and a lot of the time have a massive superiority complex. How do we live in a way that really grabs peoples attention though? A way that's different, but not something bad, and actually something better? Here's a few things:
Don't get offended- People today take offence at so many things it's almost sickening. Like "Oh you're gay? I'm not going to socialize, speak to, or even look at you, except to point you out to everyone else so they know not to do the same." That is the WRONG WAY TO DO THINGS!! Stop getting so offended at everyone and love them instead, which leads to the next thing;
Love others- Just because they don't share your beliefs or aren't like you, or maybe even get on your nerves at times doesn't make them any worse a person than you are, any less deserving of love, or give you the right to put them down. You really want to change peoples hearts? Impact their lives? Show them love and it'll do that better than anything else.
Don't make compromises- Like I said before, it'll draw peoples attention, and they'll start asking why you don't do any of those things despite all the pressure.
Stop settling for good enough- Most people just settle for being 'good enough' because they don't want to work to be better. But that's something you should always be doing. You should always be striving to resolve issues and shortcomings in yourself. It'll help with everything in your life as well as bringing attention to your morals.
Don't get in people's faces- If you wonder why people avoid Christians or always talk badly about them, this is one of the biggest reasons. They're always getting in peoples faces about things when they have no business doing so. If everyone would just love other people instead it would create a lot less of an issue.
Learn when to walk away- Some people are hurting and just looking for a fight or argument or some kind of trouble. You need to learn when to walk away, even if you're doing everything else on this list, people can still take it and try to get you into an argument. Instead just drop it and go about your life. It'll also make them wonder why you do that.
I could go on, but I figured this post is long enough and you all would want to get back to your lives. I'm sorry it was late getting out, but I hope you enjoyed it and I'm looking forward to whatever feedback you may have. Until next week-
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